Please note that I only work in English. For a flat rate of 450DKK per hour, I provide: • DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING for your important English-language writing project –– whether it's a book-length manuscript, doctoral dissertation, master's thesis, or research paper. At the developmental stage, I edit for structure and content, and give clear explanations for each of my suggestions. Along with the edited document, I provide an assessment of the work as a whole, and list action-steps based on your stated objectives. • COPY EDITING which focuses on the grammar, style, and argumentative flow of each paragraph and sentence. You might consider hiring me to do copy editing after I've done a developmental edit, or simply begin with the copy editing phase. As with developmental editing, I give clear explanations for each of my suggestions. I can guarantee detailed copy editing on 2000 words (about 4 pages of single-spaced writing) per hour of my time. • VIDEO CONFERENCING to go over my edits, and to discuss writing strategies tailor-made to suit your style of thinking. I recommend scheduling a consultation to follow each editing assignment, but this is entirely optional. For extended assignments like book manuscripts and dissertations, regular check-ins are included with developmental editing. Full details are on my website: If you have any questions about my services, rates, or availability, please feel free to contact me. My approach to academic editing is informed by the phenomenal instruction I have been fortunate enough to receive in the practice of writing, first as an undergraduate at Reed College, and then as a PhD candidate at Cambridge. Throughout my education, my writing has been meticulously reviewed, dissected and, ultimately, vastly improved by some of the world's top scholars. Now I am committed to paying that gift forward through my teaching career, and on a freelance basis through my editing practice. Whether you are a graduate student or a tenured professor, I am ready to work as your collaborator in an all-out effort to help you achieve your writing goals. Unlike others you may find online, I do not provide a "writing service" but rather real editorial work aimed at improving your success as a writer in your own right. That's why I always aim to state explicitly, and as clearly as possible, the general rule operating behind each of my suggestions, which empowers my clients to grow stronger and more confident with every assignment. By choosing to work with me, you are choosing that kind of intellectually respectful engagement, alongside professionalism, punctuality, and formal rigor. Danske tags / søgeord: Engelsk korrektur, korrekturlæsning, korrekturlæser engelsk grammatik formulering og retsstavning hjælp til engelsk på højeste universitetsniveau argumentation struktur gennemlæsning rød tråd ansøgning CV litteratursøgning rettelse af aflevering, essay og opgave forberedelse til skriftlig eksamen forberedelse til mundtlig eksamen vejledning bacheloropgave, bachelorprojekt speciale, kandidatspeciale, kandidatopgave samfundsfaglige fag cand.soc cand.polit cand.scient humanistiske fag, humaniora historie idéhistorie filosofi statskundskab politisk idéhistorie videnskabsteori kultur og samfund antropologi sociologi Engelske tags: thesis dissertation politics history history of political ideas master bachelor international studies english language proofreading grammar style structure content exam essay project proposal research paper Humanities social sciences philosophy sociology business literature admissions letters applications business communication